Sam Woods

About Me

I am Sam, a 25 year old with a passion of all things technology
When I'm not coding random stuff, I'm skating, gaming or meeting up with friends

My Experience

Student Intern

  1. learnt about inventory tracking with the computing department technician
  2. created IT challenges for all computing students to complete
  3. Used new technology to create challenges such as VR, 3D printers, nao robots and the CAVE (Computer Augmented Virtual Environment)

Work Experience with Draw and Code

  1. Learnt how to use 3DS Max in a professional environment and created 3D Models and scenes including a scan of their office space
  2. sat in on lower management meetings to learn about the requirments of their newly moved in office space and employee requests for software etc.

Volunteer at Ideas Factory and Cloudmaker Projects

  1. Helped teach children from 4 to 14 on how to use hardware such as arduinos and microcontrollers
  2. Helped lead seminars on software development cycles and different marketing techniques used by digital companies

My Skills

These are a list of the skills I have acquired in a working environment

My Qualifications

Edge Hill University (2015-2018)

  1. BSc Web Design and Development, Computing - 3rd Class with Honours

The Studio Liverpool

  1. A Level Computing - D
  2. A Level Economics - D
  3. 90 Credit Btec Diploma Creative Media (Games Development) - Distinction Merit
  4. -

Maricourt Catholic High School

    As Levels
  1. Computing - C
  2. Sociology - D
  3. Economics - E
  1. English Language - C
  2. English Literature - C
  3. Maths (Higher Tier) - B
  4. Art - A
  5. French - B
  6. OCR National Award ICT - Merit
  7. Religious Education - B
  8. Dual Award Science - BB
Follow @SamWoods117